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wiki:syntax [2021/11/29 10:21] старая версия восстановлена (2021/01/29 04:50)
wiki:syntax [2021/11/29 10:23] старая версия восстановлена (2014/12/15 22:43)
Строка 178: Строка 178:
 Узнать, как вставить картинку со ссылкой можно в [[#картинки-ссылки|разделе выше]]. Узнать, как вставить картинку со ссылкой можно в [[#картинки-ссылки|разделе выше]].
 +==== Галерея картинок ====
 +A basic gallery can be added by selecting a [[:namespaces|namespace]] like this:
 +  {{gallery>:namespace}}
 +All image files in the selected namespace will be added to the image gallery. Don't forget the ":" in front of the namespace.
 +Instead of using a whole namespace of images, you can also specify a single image -- this makes more sense when combined with the lightbox mode (see below).
 +  {{gallery>:namespace:someimage.jpg}}
 +The created gallery can be aligned by using white space (defaults to centered):
 +  {{gallery> namespace}} (right aligned)
 +  {{gallery>namespace }} (left aligned)
 +  {{gallery> namespace }} (centered)
 +Instead of a namespace, you can also give an HTTP(s) URL to any [[wp>Media RSS]] or ATOM feed with enclosures (as produced by most photo sharing sites like Flickr). The images will then be pulled from that feed instead:
 +  {{gallery>http://www.23hq.com/rss/schabloni}}
 +Note: since the question mark is used to separate the parameters (see next section) the URL can not contain any question mark. To use such a feed URL with the gallery plugin, just use one of the many short URL services like [[http://bit.ly]].
 +E.g. instead of ''%%http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?id=22019303@N00&lang=en-us&format=rss_200%%'' use a shortened URL like ''%%http://bit.ly/HurZM%%''.
 +Additionally, to have thumbnail creation correctly working you need to set [[config:fetchsize]] big enough to get the remote images downloaded.
 ===== Списки ===== ===== Списки =====
/home/motowiki.by/www/data/pages/wiki/syntax.txt · Последнее изменение: 2021/12/20 18:25 — kot